The only time there hasn't been a positive comment was when a misguided blood relative decided to track me down online after many years without any communication at all_ but that is really not ancient history to share here.
That's just it; in a few sentences I have related that our inter-relational human world is way too complex. Are you afraid? This is not the correct response to have.
Dear reader, I am attempting to share here that I just discovered I missed the Spring Equinox this year! In my “smaller” cyber-world connections through facebook, no one has mentioned it! Out in the larger world via the news, in the physical surroundings where I reside and through my global blogs, the rhythms of the season almost crept in completely unnoticed! It is spring now!!
Yet, the waxing of the light begins early in February in this corner of the northern hemsisphere, with the advent of Imbolc, Candlemas or Brigid if you prefer. The time of lactation; of a wise woman, a goddess whom poets adore(d).
Pause here with me and take in my humble words, art and music of acknowledgement for this precious time of year:
Blessed be the earth, and all who dwell upon it.
We give thanks for the season now departing from us,
For the blessings it has bestowed upon us,
And upon those with whom we share this world.
Blessed be the new season.
We pray that it will be a time filled with peace,
With abundance, with prosperity,
With wisdom,
With love.
Blessed be all who share this feast.
Let us now prepare for the time ahead
By opening our hearts, and our minds, and our spirits.
Looking back I can say during Brigid, I was noticing loads of rainbows, new lambs in the local fields and the bald eagles returning to their local habitats.
Just three days ago, it was the time of the Vernal Equinox and by sheer grace it was via a local classical music station that I was informed of again another near miss. Where is my connection to the rhythms of Mother Nature?
No matter what the world of human struggle is about right now, to lose this sense of where one is on the wheel of the seasons is to be completely adrift, I feel. Therefore, I write my humble invitation, to take in a beautiful respite so as to begin the process of grounding and refreshing one's senses and awareness in the ancient rhythms of our Mother Earth. Blessed be!